Saturday, September 12, 2015

Life in Plaid, Book 2

It has been a long time since I have written a post for this blog, well over a year, as a matter of fact. Why did I stop?  Mostly because I thought I had exhausted the ideas fueling the Plaid Apron Adventure; the stories of a rich childhood in an Italian family. I wondered if I was actually saying anything that was more than just trivial.  Frankly, I didn't want be boring with posts about things I was writing about. Since a blog is kind of like being a radio broadcaster in that you never really know if you are being listened to, I had decided Life in Plaid had run it's course. 

Now I am going to give it another shot because I have been told that it was being read and enjoyed by people who were not blood relatives as well as those who are. So, here's a quick update on what's been shakin' in the past 17 months:

Most of life here in the '65 (those are the last 2 digits of our zip code, in case you are wondering) is the same as ever. Still rural, quiet, friendly, safe, and a little isolating. That said, there have been  some amazing changes since the beginning of the year starting with our son moving to his own place and managing his MS with grace and positivity. He is once again independant and we are thrilled for him.  Mike is sporting 3 unclogged arteries and a repaired aneurysm, thanks to some incredible medical people and processes. Our older son is still working hard and often playing harder, getting out of town whenever he can to enjoy his bachelorhood (do people say bachelor anymore?).  Even though winter was long and snowy, spring showed up for a few weeks followed by rain rain rain and more rain in June. I got to dip my toes in the icy Atlantic in Cape Cod in late June, spent some time reliving my retail skills at "Curiouser and Curiouser"and then refreshed my soul back at the beach when I spent a sunny July week at Bethany Beach, DE.  I am now almost a month into another crazy busy school year and thinking I am more ready to explore the retirement option than ever. 

So, now that I have caught you up on the ins and outs of my most ordinary life, I will tell you this: I am looking forward to telling more tales, observing more of life's events (starting with a wedding next weekend), sharing love and laughter, going here and there this fall and winter, and, maybe, surprising myself with whatever life will bring on next in the '65 and other zipcodes.

Hope you will come along for the ride and will comment on how I'm doing and what you think. 



  1. My friend, thank you!

  2. thanks, Carrie, you encouraged me.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Since I've been away so long as well, I missed this post. Welcome back!

  5. I missed it, too, and I think I was the one who said you should write! Happy trails, my friend! I'll be keeping in touch.
